Changed By Love (by Peter Mayer)
Sent In Peace
To share the Gift we're given
Sent In Peace
To change our way of living
In our heart in every place
Lift our voice oh God of grace
We will never be the same
We are sent in Peace
St. Paul wrote, "12For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known. 13And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love." (1 Cor. 13)
The picture in today's devo is from Sherrie and John's wedding. Originally, we were supposed to be outside for the ceremony, but the weather quickly changed as it often does in Denver. Weddings like marriages often experience dramatic changes in climate which call for quick, realistic and meaningful adjustments by all the participants. I have come to learn over the years that what matters most at weddings is not so much where people stand, or what they are wearing, or what kind of music is played or isn't played, but what constitutes the event is the condition of the hearts involved.
Peter sings,
In our heart in every place
Lift our voice oh God of grace
We will never be the same
We are sent in Peace
Even though I stand for the entire wedding service, I like to say that I have the "best seat" in the house. In other words, the vantage point that I have is so up, close and personal that it is really a blessing. And if "eyes" can talk, then you all should/could see the sermons that are being preached when two people who have been brought together by love, changed by love and now are sent in peace stand together in front of their family and friends to pledge love, fidelity and support for each other.
The miracle which unfolds at the wedding and subsequently in the marriage is that two people promise to love unconditionally. I always say "that is what makes this so holy and wonderful. That is what makes this so challenging and difficult at times." For we live in a world of "conditions." And yet, at this particular point in time and space, in front of all these wonderful people, a couple like Sherrie and John promise to love, PERIOD. No strings attached. And into those unconditional words and promises there begins the formation of a bond, a blessed bond that ties and connects one to another. It is in the spoken word that this bond is woven again and again.
13And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love."
Be "sent in peace" today to love unconditionally,