Greetings from Peter Mayer

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

h2odevos eots 120711 "What's the Buzz" encoure 120705

S&P 2005 what’s the buzz 12-07-06
What’s the Buzz?
St. Ambrose Day, Bishop of Milan, 397
(encore performance)

“There is a wind that moves all around us
Making the sound of a song if you listen
And yet we wander over the world
For a place to belong to replace what we’re missing
We bring our differences, our hopes, our faith and fears
We’ll build  a home for love in this family
For the light that brought us here

With a blueprint for living
Each new day is lifted up
For this house we lay a foundation
On this cornerstone of love”
Blueprints by Peter Mayer and Jim Mayer

Just by mentioning  the date today, “December 7th” evokes powerful feelings, memories and emotions. You can re-fresh your memory of those times by checking out the website for the Library of Congress

Today is a day to remember all those who currently serve and have served our country through the armed forces. We keep in our prayers their families and friends who watch and wait.  It is also a day to remember the innocent victims of war, past and present.

And as the issue of conflicts and wars is contemplated it is appropriate to reflect on how faith communities deal with problems and disagreements within the community. The challenge is “let our lights shine” in order to create illumination and warmth as opposed to feeling “the heat” of pain, disappointment and resentment. It is as Peter sings,

“And yet we wander over the world
For a place to belong to replace what we’re missing
We bring our differences, our hopes, our faith and fears
We’ll build  a home for love in this family
For the light that brought us here”

 Healthy congregations facilitate healthy members and clergy. Healthy members and clergy facilitate healthy congregations. Now having said that, I am also cognizant that “church fights or conflicts” are nothing new. When one reads the letters of St. Paul it is obvious that he was constantly doing conflict resolution work. That “tradition” continues today. Ask any bishop or assistant to a bishop or mid-level judicatory official regarding “what do you spend a majority of your time on?” The answer which will come (quite quickly) is “conflict.”

Ambrose who was baptized, ordained as priest and consecrated as bishop on this date was thrust into conflict immediately. He is often referred to as the “honey tongued doctor.” In fact, iconography associated with him are bees and beehives. Check out to learn more about the bumblebee. He is the patron saint for bee keepers, candle-makers and all things related to wax.

No one heals himself by wounding another.

- Saint Ambrose

Our own evil inclinations are far more dangerous than any external enemies.

- Saint Ambrose

The Church of the Lord is built upon the rock of the apostles among so many dangers in the world; it therefore remains unmoved. The Church's foundation is unshakable and firm against assaults of the raging sea. Waves lash at the Church but do not shatter it. Although the elements of this world constantly beat upon the Church with crashing sounds, the Church possesses the safest harbor of salvation for all in distress.

There is a stream which flows down on God's saints like a torrent. There is also a rushing river giving joy to the heart that is at peace and makes for peace.

He who read much and understands much, receives his fill. He who is full, refreshes others. So Scripture says: "If the clouds are full, they will pour rain upon the earth."
-St. Ambrose

I hope you will create “buzz” today by building up God’s church and the world in which we live.

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