Greetings from Peter Mayer

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Only You

Annunciation of our Lord

“Only You can stand beside me through all my thoughts and deeds

You raised the mighty Redwood from the seed

Only You formed the mountains that stretch to the sky

Cover them with moonlight tonight
I know it in my heart to be true

The answer to me is only You”

Only You by Peter Mayer

An angel and a saint walk down the street. (I know, I know it sounds like the beginning of a joke). But, this is no joke, it is an amazing painting in the National Gallery in London. Painted by Carlo Crivelli in the 15th century it is a very intense, elegant portrayal of the heavenly birth announcement that came to Mary. My friend, The Rev’d Nicholas Holtam, Bishop of Salisbury and author of The Art of Worship-Paintings, Prayers, and Reading for Meditation describes the scene: 
“The people go about their business amidst the beautiful architecture of the town as the golden beam of the Spirit of God alights on Mary through a providentially placed hole in the wall of her grand house. The peacock symbolizes immortality because its flesh was thought not to decay, and the ‘eyes’ on its tail represent an ‘all-seeing church.’”

Check it out on the National Gallery’s website HERE. It happens to be one of my favorite paintings of all time. Just in case you haven’t done the math, it’s only nine months until Christmas!

This past year on the days after Christmas Sue Ann and I along with our adult kids went snowshoeing in Rocky Mountain National Park. As sugarplums danced in my head (along with Christmas carols) the words of Peter’s song came to mind,
Only You formed the mountains that stretch to the skyCover them with moonlight tonightI know it in my heart to be true
The answer to me is only You”

Both Peter’s song and the painting by Crivelli are creedal statements. They express what the artist believes about God, about the world and about themselves.  I encourage you to spend a little time today reflecting on what you believe.

I’m going to join in the chorus with Peter,
“I know it in my heart to be true
The answer to me is only You”



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